Friday, January 29, 2010

5 Highs and 5 Lows This Week


1- Riding in a bush taxi next to a woman with an adorable baby on her lap, and playing peek-a-boo with it. It turns out that makes babies everywhere smile.

2- Eating Domado, which is basically a variation on peanut sauce. The lady at the restaurant told us the sauce is made from peanut butter, tomato paste, and pepper, and you can put it over rice. It's a little spicy and super delicious!

3- Touching a monkey...need I say more?!

4- Getting shown around campus by a bunch of really friendly and patient Gambian students.

5- Aerobics classes with local Gambian women and Mr. Freeman, our instructor who for some reason has a German accent and yells at us like some sort of military commander.


1- Eating with our fingers at a true hole-in-the wall Gambian restaurant because we didn't expect to be given silverware, and then the lady asked us if we would like some forks.

2- Saying Asalaamaleekum (hello) to some young girls, and being super proud that I spoke Woloff, but then getting laughed at instead of receiving the appropriate response (Maleekumsalaam).

3- Riding on the bush taxi with a live chicken.

4- Every night at approximately 4 AM, the rooster that lives next door. It sounds like a whaling person, and someone really needs to do something about it.

5- Trying to explain to the woman at the Tapalapa stand that I just wanted plain Tapalapa, and watching in horror as instead she glopped a bunch of fishy stuff on top of it.

It's okay though, because the lows are among the most memorable moments, and every single misunderstanding and embarrassing moment is a learning experience and has supplied plenty of laughs for myself and the rest of the group.

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